A Comprehensive Approach to Autism Therapy

myARK Health Services uses a multidisciplinary approach to treating Autism. Each child is unique and therefor has their own set of needs, goals, and appropriate therapeutic interventions. Using a combination of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy, we ensure that every child has access to the specialized interventions they need to reach their maximum potential. 

Applied Behavior Analysis

Applied Behavior Analaysis is built on the principles of learning. Our goal with ABA is to increase skills and reduce problematic behaviors such as tantrums, elopements, or other harmful/dangerous behaviors. We also build skills your child needs to thrive. 

 The methods of ABA are applied by breaking down skills into simple steps and teaching each step-in succession. Skills are taught with the use of prompting to assist learning. A correct response is followed by positive reinforcement which increases the likelihood that a behavior or response will occur more often in the future.

Occupational Therapy

Our Occupational Therapists can help children and their families identify strategies to maximize strengthsaddress underlying deficits, and modify the task or environment to enhance a child’s ability to successfully participate in the meaningful activities that occupy their dayThrough performance analysis and goal development to address the many different skills required, OT makes daily tasks like getting dressed, self-feeding, and playing appropriately, possible.

Speech Therapy

Help your child reach their developmental milestones with the extra support of speech therapy. Speech therapy will work toward more effective communication.  Our therapists understand the unique needs of each invidual child. Our treatment plans are tailored to ensure your child has the support and care they need to communicate.

Get Started at myARK Health Services


Office: +1 (702) 997-9976

Fax: 702-993-9113

Service Areas

Las Vegas

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